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Send inquiry for pest identification

Use the system to send an electronic inquiry to determine the cause of the damage!

If you are walking in the forest, in a city park or in your own garden with ornamental and fruit trees, it may happen, that you notice unknown damage to a tree or bush. If you take a photo of the damage, you can use the website to insert your photo and the place of discovery and ask for identification.

Do you want to know the cause of damage to trees or shrubs in your area? For example, have you noticed damage to a tree caused by an unknown insect or a fungus in your forest, garden, in a city park, or just somewhere in the wild, and would you like to know what kind of species it is?

We will be happy to help you resolve your pest identification issue. Just please fill out the following form and send us photos of the damage or the cause of the damage. We will try to identify it, and will inform you about the result by email as soon as possible.

Use this page to send an electronic inquiry: https://www.forestpests.eu/send-request

One of the team of experts will deal with your request and identification will be send to your email.

Please note, that we are not experts in a taxonomy of insect or fungi. We are experts in forest protection and pest control. Please be so king and take this into the account if you send your request.  

The answer will be displayed together with your question on the page here: https://www.forestpests.eu/list-requests. The system allows users to sort inqueries by date, by tree species, by pest species etc.

This system is exclusively focused on monitoring of pest species in Europe and adjacent territories.

Everybody (worldwide) can use our system, however, if you want to send us an identification request, location is a required information. All requests with location outside area of interest will be automatically rejected by the system. Sorry for any inconveniences caused by this and thank you for understanding".

Area covered by the system. 

Map the pests in your area using this system.

Map three pests in your own area. In this way, you will be able to archive the places of occurrence of individual types of pests in our system, and you will also help other users to identify the damage.

How you can do it? Create your own account in the “Forestpests” system. After logging into the system, a registered visitor can map pests in the selected area in his own account.

User can map only that type of pest, that are already in the list of pest.

A map of the given species will appear in your account, and you can also easily insert "unverified" points (marked in blue on the maps) into the map.


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