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Clytus arietis

Clytus long-horned beetle


Long 6-15 mm. A showy beetle, black with bright yellow bands across the body and brown-reddish legs. Adults flying from May to July are easy to spot on flowers and timber stacks in sunny places. They do not attack living trees, seeking out only dry wood for oviposition. Larvae develop initially under the bark, then bore tunnels in the sapwood. Life cycle in 2 years. Adults emerge from a pupal cell close to the bark, opening a circular hole. Pest causing technical damage, occasionally completing its cycle in building timber or furniture. A similar species, C. lama, is very common on conifer trees, also feeding on dried wood. It prefers pure and mixed broadleaved forests from lowland to 2,000 m.


Larvae develop initially under the bark, then bore galleries in the sapwood.

Tree Species: Beech, Oak, Chestnut

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Less harmful

Pest Category: Insects

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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