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Volvariella bombycina

Silky rosegill


Cap is 5–20 cm across, ovate then bell-shaped, whitish, covered in long, fine, yellowish, silky, almost hair-like fibres. Stem is 70–150 × 10–20 mm, often curved, tapering upwards from the bulbous base; volva membranous, large, and persistent, somewhat viscid, white at first discolouring to dingy brown. White flesh yellows faintly with time. Tastes slight, smell pleasant, like that of bean sprouts. Gills are crowded, white at first then flesh-pink. Spores are print pink. Spores are elliptic, 8.5–10 × 5–6 μm. It grows on dead frondose trees, maple, elm, and others, often in knot-holes or hollow trunks. It can be found from early summer to autumn.


Cap is 5–20 cm across, ovate then bell-shaped, whitish, covered in long, fine, yellowish, silky, almost hair-like fibres.

Tree Species: Walnut

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk

Pest significance: Harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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