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Fomes fomentarius

Tinder fungus


Bracket is 5–45 cm across, 3–25 cm wide, 2–25 cm thick, hoof-shaped, hard and woody, usually discrete but several fruiting bodies may occur on the same trunk; upper surface with a hard horny crust, concentrically grooved and zoned grey. Flesh hard, fibrous, cinnamon-brown. Taste acrid, smell slightly fruity. Tubes are 2–7 mm long in each layer, rustybrown. Pores are 2–3 per mm, circular, light greybrown darkening when handled. Spores are brownish, lemon-yellow, oblong-ellipsoid, 15–20 × 5–7 μm.


Presence of large, white cream fruiting bodies on stems with distinct layers.

Tree Species: Birch, Beech, Rowan, Whitebeam, Maple, Lime, Horse Chestnut, Poplar

Part of a plant- attacked: Tree trunk, Roots, Branch

Pest significance: Very harmful

Pest Category: Fungi

Invasive Species: No

Present in EU: Yes

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

Seasonal frequency of occurrence

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