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This atlas provides a comprehensive overview of the insects and diseases that affect the major tree and shrub species found in forests, gardens, parks, plantations, and urban areas throughout Europe. It is an invaluable resource that can be used by people all over the world to learn about and identify pests and diseases that damage trees and shrubs in Europe. 

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Melampsora laricis-populina

Hypoxylon canker

Hypoxylon fragiforme

Tree of heaven

Ailanthus altissima

Oak roller weevil

Attelabus nitens

Last photos

Štítnička borovicová
Červec japonský
Ploskáčik brestovcový
Molica Aleurocanthus spiniferus
Molica Aleurocanthus spiniferus
Ploskáčik citrusový
krasoň lipový
krasoň lipový


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